Welcome in the Prague Quadrennial Archive!
Archive of the PQ will provide you the complete view of the previous editions of the PQ. The complete archive located in the Institute of Arts - Theatre Institute includes thousands photos and hours of videos and will be continuously digitalized and added to the website.
Currently you can find here the complete archive that includes not only the general information but mainly photographic documentation of all exhibitions. Videos will be added in the near future.
How it all begun.....
During the Bienal de São Paulo (Biennale of Visual Art) in 1959, a special exhibit, designed by František Tröster, illustrated the development of Czech and Slovak stage design and theatre architecture during the period from 1914-1959. The result of the exhibition was a gold medal for Czechoslovakia. Continued Czech success during the next three Biennales led to an offer for Prague to host an international exhibition of stage design in Europe once every four years. Since its premiere in 1967, the international exhibition has been held regularly every four years, and has come to be known as the Prague Quadrennial.
For the more detailed history see the sections of the individual editions.