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2011 » Singapore » Architecture Section

Curator:Kaylene Tan

Ghostwalking: Take Possession

Ever since gaining independence in 1965, Singapore has presented itself to the world as spectacle: a multicultural entrepôt; an economic miracle; and now, an urban show-stopper.

As the city extends itself up to the sky and out into the sea, its buildings jostle to outperform each other, proclaiming the power and success of those who own and govern the city state.

What we want to present as “theatre now” in Singapore are the private theatres in the heads of the city’s inhabitants as they move along its arteries, dwell in its ‘heartlands’, and consume its spectacles.

spell#7 is a performance company that has been working with the medium of the audio walk. Through our practice, we have experimented with different forms of audio experience – static, on the go and performer-led. Our text-based works aim to create immersive sonic environments, which alter perceptions of the listeners’ surroundings, space and time.

Ghostwalking (www.ghostwalking.sg) consists of 4 audio walks and 3 videos that participants download then activate on their smart phones/mp3 players as they travel along the North East Line MRT train in the city. The performance begins when someone clicks to download, where sounds and videos “possess” the device that is closest to their body. The content becomes their heart, their brain.

Press play and theatre now exists in the space between the ears, in the space between one’s fingertip and a touch screen. Theatre now is the wired body in the environment. The space is activated. The listener performs by being present.

We create the score.


Supported by National Arts Council, Singapore International Foundation

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