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Countries and Regions

USA » Tribes

Country of Many Nations: E pluribus unum - Student project

Within our tribe of students, we are individuals who bring with us the culture of our parent nations. United together we create a new form a patchwork of our cultures and nations. No individual nation overpowers another, but they are now brought into high relief against each other and are forever woven together, interconnected. Together we create a new unit, a tribe, with a unifying purpose and goal. We, as students of the arts, wish to learn and create. Although we are a tribe, we still retain our individual characteristics, just as our costumes retain the silhouette of our nation though they are constructed of the same fabric. Our performance will feature all members of the tribe moving in a codified, almost stylized version of their own national or regional dance. As each dance is performed there will be one aspect that is identified by a second culture and that move is integrated into the first. The first then picks up the moves of the second and finds a common thread. As we progress, the movements become more harmonized and unified until we reach full synchronicity. At the end, the whole tribe will move as one unit, in a style that is made up of all the individual movements that were exhibited at the beginning of the performance. Our tribe, “Country of Many Nations”, is comprised of an international group of students who have all chosen to continue their costuming studies in the United States, at the University of Connecticut.

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