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2003 » Taiwan » National Exhibition

Curator:Wei-Wen Chang


The Landscape is conceived as a visual and interactive exhibition in tho form of ascalod-down version of Taiwanese gardon, designed to highlight the uniqueness of Taiwanese culture and thoatro arts. Tho exhibition provides a vision not merely ocular-centric but participating-oriented regarding the relationship of spoctator-onvironmont-action. The exhibition lakes the shape o\ a traditional garden, combining the concept of the "environment" and "culture". Tho environment refers to the overall combination of natural elements such as Taiwan's soil, plant growth, and human factors. Tho culturo rofors to various theatrical phenomena in Taiwan. The works and installations will be placod in such away as to organizo thorn into a route through the garden as different components of the landscape. Tho exhibition space is thus transformed into a cultural space, a touring space, an artistic space, and a space for deliberating contemplation. The Landscape defines the term of "identity" as "individual cultural subject" existing in the era of globalization, engaging in dia-logue with the world. As the spectators from all over the world ramble around the garden, thoy bocomo tho protagonist interacting with the Taiwanese culture and environment. Moreover, interactive devices will be provided for evoking human sonsos. Thoroforo, the sensitivity of the spectator will be one of the leading characters in the exhibition which ovolvos from inort objocts to dramatic events as "units of action". The visitors will be receiving a message, delivering a message, and becoming tho message itself, and in a sense complete the whole exhibition. The Landscape is the first attempt to invite our scenographors to the thematically curated exhibition. The content of the exhibition is divided into three major thematic categories: The Genealogy of the Indigenous concentrates on a brief retrospection of scenography in traditional operas and puppet theatre. This category of Taiwanese theatres takes more direct route to its tradition and presents a sort of "organic style grown from the soil". The Quest of Identity offers a sampling of Taiwanese theatre arts which employ the traditional idioms and the life of people to form personal artistic languages. From historical legend, folk stories and folk arts, local religion to traditional philosophy, the artists distill those traditional materials for their creation and utilize the conceptual techniques of modern theatre to interpret their respective Taiwanese culture. The Transfusion of Otherness introduces current Taiwanese theatres which absorb influences from outside cultures. The mixture and interaction of the foreign elements with Taiwan's culture have presented a distinct Taiwanese character. Like transplanted "cuttings" planted in Taiwan's soil, some new gene combinations have fostered superior strains, rendering of somehow hybrid, fluid identity categories. Theatre art in Taiwan, presently enjoys a rich diversity and distinguished characteristics of Taiwanese culture. The country's island setting gives the culture an openness and willingness to accept new ideas and meanwhile maintains its own tradition.

Exhibiting artists / ateliers

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  • Wei-Wen Chang
  • Shih-Hsing Wang (Shih Hsing Wang)
  • 璟如 林 (Ching-Ju Lin)
  • 克華 林 (Keh-Hua  Lin)
  • 孟超 王 (Austin Wang)
  • 毓芬 蔡 (Yu-Fen Tsai)
  • Hsiu Chin Tsai
  • Wern-Ying Hwarng
  • Kuang-Yen (Alan) Nieh
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