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1999 » China » Thematic Section - Homage to Scenography

Curator:Cai Tiliang
Authors of Theme:Lui Xinglin, Cao Lin


TRADITIONAL AND CONTEMPORARY THEATRE COSTUME In this section, our exhibits include both the traditional costumes which present the cultural essence of Chinese traditional opera and the masterpieces produced in recent years. They are the products created both by modern art methods and the traditional cultural spirit: for example, the traditional opera combined with TV art. Some wonderful ancient traditional operas had no stage designs in the past and nowadays háve the suitable stage design in their new production. Therefore, to some degree, these ancient operas are presented as new performance. Costumes of Chinese Traditional Beijing Opera The Story of Tai Zhen - model - Traditional Beijing Opera Tong Ren Tang in the Wind and Rain - model - Modern Beijing Opera Romance in an Oil Shop - model - Modern Beijing Opera

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