PQ 2015
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An exhibition of a thousand theatre artists from 60 countries and regions.
SHAREDSPACE 2013- 2016
Art and research project presents symposiums, workshops or exhibitions in 11 countries.
Objects and their stories – this is the main theme of “Objects”, an exhibition open to individual artists.

1975 » Yugoslavia » Stage and costume design
Curator: | Vladimir Marenič |
Exhibiting artists / ateliers
[show all | hide all]- Meta Hočevar
- : (Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy), Slovensko ljudsko gledališče 1973
- Alenka Bartl
Aristophanes Aristofanés: (Lysistrata),
Ljubljana MGS
0, Director: Miran Herzog,
- Marija Kobi
A. Harris: (Androcles and the Lion),
Mladinsko gledališče Ljubljana
1973, Director: Mile Korun,
- Branko Kostovski
Ž. Čingo, B. Stavrev: (The Wall-The Water),
Makedonski narodni teater Skopje
1973, Director: B. Stavrev,
- Mileta Leskovac
I. G. Kovačic, N. Hercigonja: (The Pit),
Srpsko narodno pozorište Novi sad
1975, Director: Dejan Miladinovic,
- Vladimir Marenić
Williame Shakespeare: (Macbeth),
Narodno pozorište Beograd
1975, Director: Arsa Jovanovic,
Ž. Komanin: (Pelinovo),
Narodno pozorište Beogard
1973, Director: Gradimir Mirkovic,
- Dušan Ristić
- Milena JEFTIĆ NIČEVA KOSTIĆ ( Milena Ničeva)
- : (Macbeth), Narodno pozorište Beograd 1975
- Dorian Sokolić
- Giuseppe Verdi: (A Masked Ball), Narodno kazalište Ivn Zajc 1974, Director: Mladen Sabljić,
F. J. Haydn: (The World on the Monn),
Narodno kazalište Ivan Zajc
1973, Director: Dinko Svoboda,
- Drago Turina
- Williame Shakespeare: (Timon of Athens), Hrvatsko narodno kazalište 1973, Director: Tomislav Radić,
- Melita Vovk-Štih (Melita VOVK)
F, Rudolf: (The Count of Celje on Horseback),
Slovensko ljudsko gledališče
1974, Director: Dušan Mlakar,
Bertolt Brecht: (The Didactic Play of Baden: On Consent),
1974, Director: Branko Brezovac,
- Tanja BRILEJ
- Predrag CAKIĆ
B. Stavis: (The Man Who Was Never Dead),
Narodno pozorište Leskovac
Williame Shakespeare: (Henry IV),
Narodno pozorište Niš
1974, Director: Ivica Kunčevic,
P. Zindel: (The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds),
Narodno pozorište Niš
1973, Director: R. Radojkovic,
- Istvan HUPKO
G. F. Gyula: (A Moment of Freedom),
Narodno pozorište Subotica
1974, Director: Mihály Virág,
- Slobodan MAŠIĆ
- : (The Case of the Innocent Annabella), Zaječarsko Borsko pozorište 1972
Gy. Hay: (Mohács /The Bastion/),
Népszínház Subotica
A. S. Puškin: (The Stone Guest),
Teatar Poezije Beograd
1974, Director: Stevo Žigon,
P. Mančev: (The Chase Caused by the Wolf),
Malo pozoriště Beograd
1975, Director: Branislav Kravljanac,
F. Lhotka: (The Devil in the Village),
Hrvatsko narodno kazalište
1972, Director: Franjo Horvat,
- Ružica Nenadović-Sokolić
M. Pavić: (One Bed for Three),
Srpsko narodno pozorište
1974, Director: Dejan Mijač,
* 1942, Lublaň
Specialization: architect, teacher, set designer
Additional information: Professor at the University of Ljubljana (Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and TV).
She exhibited at the PQ in 1975, 1979, 1995.
Exhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1930 in Llubljana. Costume designer. Professor at the University of Ljubljana (Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and TV). She exhibited at the PQ in 1967, 1971, 1975, 1979, 1983, 1987 and in 1991.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1929 in Ljubljana. She graduated from the Belgrade Art School. She works as a costume designer for Ljubljana Television. Since 1953 she has designed costumes for over 150 productions in a number of theatres in Yugoslavia, Italy and Czechoslovakia. She participated as a designer in the work on several Slovene films and more then 100 TV shows. In 1972 she obtained the Borštnik Prize. She participated in the Prague Quadrennial in 1967.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1924 in Skoplje. Since 1952 he has been working as a stage designer at the Macedonian Popular Theatre in Skoplje. He participated in the PQ in 1967, 1971, 1975 and in 1979.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1924. Graduated from the School of Applied Arts at Novi Sad. He has brought into effect over 100 stage designs the most important of which are sets for the following plays: Ridiculous Precious by J. S. Popovic, Nora by H. Ibsen, The Dancing Dorisa by K. Odak, The Heretic by St. Mras, Never Satisfied by K. Trifkovič, Twelfth Night by W. Shakespeare, A Moon for the Misbegotten by 0'Neill, Big Mack by E. Kosch. He took part in the international exhibition of stage design in Zurich. He was awarded the Municipality Prize of Novi Sad for his sets to the play by K. Trifkovič. He is at work as stage designer of the Serbian National Theatre at Novi Sad.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1921 at Slavonska Pozega. Studied scenic design under prof. Milenko Serban and painting under prof. Ivan Tabaković. He is at work as stage and costume designer of the National Theatre in Belgrade. He has designed more than 170 stage sets and some 35 theatre costumes. Exhibited in Yugoslavia and abroad. His most important works include scenic designs to The Celestial Squad by Lebović and Obrenović, Rose Tattoo by Tennessee Wiliams, Nabucco and Aida by G. Verdi, Halleluyah by D. Lebovič, to the opera Mazeppa by P. I. Tchaikovsky, to Becket by J. Anouilh, The Life for the Tsar renamed to Ivan Susanin by M. I. Glinka, Rabelais by J. L. Barrault, etc. In his artistic realizations he employs different painting techniques. He was awarded tihe Sterijino Pozorje Prize for The Celestial Squad in 1957, the ULUPUS Prize for scenographic designs in 1965 and 1968, the October Salon Prize for stage sets to Master Hanus in 1966, the Prize having been attributed on occasion of 100 Years of the Belgrade National Theatre for sets to the play Swindle in 1969, the Prize of the Voyvodina Theatres Meeting for sets to the play The Devil's Disciple in 1970.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1913 at Komlosul-Mare in Roumania. After having completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade he subsequently studied since 1945 in Paris, and in 1952 in London where he specialized in stage and costume designs for the Belgrade theatres, for the National Theatre, the Dramatic Theatre, the Contemporary Theatre, the Božko Buha Childrens' Theatre, and also for the theatres of other republics, in Zagreb, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Sarajevo and at Mostar. As a guest he has brought into effect stage and costume designs for the Operas in Brussels and Vienna, for the International Ballet Festival at Edinburgh, for the Rome Opera and for the National Theatre in Bucharest. From his most important stage and costume designs let us name the productions referring to Orphée by Stravinsky, The Marvellous Mandarin by Bartók, The Dead Queen (La Reine morte) by Montherlant, The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare and others. In 1966 his costume designs were awarded the Sterijino Pozorje Prize, in 1969 his stage designs the Prize of the October Salon, and in 1970 he was awarded the October Prize of Art and Science at the exhibition The Stage and the Costumes in the Belgrade Museum of Decorative Arts.
Obrázky z kataloguAdditional information: Born in 1943 in Tomaševac. In 1968 she graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade. She made her debut with costume designs for Molierè's The Imaginary Invalid for the National Theatre at Subotica. Since 1969 she has been working at the Small Theatre /a puppet theatre/ and has collaborated with a number of other theatres in Belgrade. She has designed puppets, stage sets and costumes for a number of plays, among them The Ball called Flíček, Cinderella, Two Jugs of Water, The Story of Tick-Tack, Who Knows More Can Do More, Sytnpathy and Antipathy, the Princess and Shishalo, The Swing and others. Besides her work for the theatre she also devotes her energies to painting. She has had one-man exhibitions in Belgrade in 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1975, in Čačak in 1973, in Katowice and Opol in 1973 and at Stettin in 1974. She obtained the ULUPUS prize for 1970-71 and in 1973 the Third Prize at Sterijino pozorje in Novi Sad for the design of the catalogue; in 1975 she received a Silver Medal at the Triennial of Stage and Costume Design in Novi Sad and in 1978 the Bronze Medal, also at Novi Sad. In the years 1974,1975 and 1978 she gained prizes at Festivals of Serbian Puppet Theatres. She participated in the Prague Quadrennial in 1971 and in 1975. Information from catalogue 1999: She is painter and costume designer, currently she co-operates with Duško Radovič Little Theatre, Beograd. From 1971 to 1983, she participated in all the PQs. At the IX International Trienal in Novi Sad 1990, she received The Silver Medal.
Exhibiting works
Additional information: Born 1928 in Zemun, graduate of the Belgrade School of Applied Arts, he continued his studies in Paris in 1959. At present member of the National Theatre in Rjeka. His best sets were accomplished for open air productions. He designed sets for the Opera Festival in Opatia, for Aida, Prince Igor, Troubadour and Turandot. He received several prizes both for his stage designs and for graphic work and poster designs.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
* 1943, Virje
Specialization: set designer
Additional information: Born in 1943. He started his work as stage and costume designer in students' amateur theatres during his studies at the faculty of machinery and naval architecture. At present he acts as stage designer at the Zagreb profesional theatres and in the film production. In a review having been stated by yong writers and artists he publishes articles on the theory and practical problems of modern stage design art. He has been awarded several prizes at theatre festivals for a succesful experímental work in the special field of stage design concerns.
He works as a stage designer at the Branko Gavella Theatre in Zagreb. He participated in the PQ in 1971 and in 1975.
Exhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1928 in Bled. She graduated from tne Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. Sne is a free lance artist who works for theatres and television as a designer, illustrates books for young people, does illustrations for newspapers and magazines. Twice she received the Mladinska Knjiga award and the Mlado pokolenje Prize for book illustrations. She also received the Sterijino pozorje Prize and the Borštnik Prize for her stage and costume designs. She participated in the Prague Quadrennial in 1971.
Exhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1928 at Komarevo. He graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Zagreb. At present he is a stage designer at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb. He has exhibited at the Triennial of Stage and Costume Design in Novi Sad, in exhibitions of Yugoslav Illustrations, The Golden Pen of Belgrade, Graphic Design in Zagreb, Yugoslav Drawings in Zagreb, the Biennial of Posters in Warsaw, the Biennial of Applied Graphics in Brno and the Icograd Exhibition of Posters in Vienna. He has also held one-man shows in 1963, 1965 and 1972. Among his most important stage designs are the sets for Meetings by Josip Kiriginand Dialogue for the Live by Fadil Hadžić.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1947 in Belgrade. Sne studied in London, New York and in 1964 graduated from the Oxford-Cambridge College in Cairo. In 1969 she graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts, where she specialized in stage designing. In collaboration with B. Šajtinac she participated in the production of cartoon films Not All That Flies is a Bird, Temptation and The Bride, which won a Gold Medal from the City of Belgrade, a Grand-Prix at the International Festival in Anecy, France in 1972 and a Special Award at the Festival in Oberhausen. She designed the puppets and stage sets for Baum's The Wizard of Oz in 1973 and The House of Aunt Barbara, directed by Aleš Jan in 1975, both at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. For the National Theatre in Ljubljana she designed the stage sets for C. Goldoni's Locandiera Mirandolina and O. Panizza's Council of Love, both directed by Paolo Magelli. For Ljubljana television she designed the sets for the ballet Deaf Windows and for Belgrade television the costumes and puppets for a TV childrens series called The Story Tells, written by L. Ršumovic. She also designed the costumes for the ballet Balade, danced to music by Vivaldi, as well as numerous stage and costume designs for TV productions in both above mentioned cities.
Obrázky z kataloguAdditional information: Born in 1931 in Leskovac. After graduation from school at Nis, where he specialized in stage design, he worked at the Lescovac Theatre as a stage and costume designer. During the twenty years of his artistic career he has designed numerous stage sets, especially for theatres in Titograd, Titovo Užice and Pirot. As a painter he participated in group exhibitions in Leskovac and Kumanovo. He participated in the Triennial of Stage Design in Novi Sad in 1975. His work has been awarded with the following prizes: The Order of the Republic for costume designs, a first prize for stage designing at the 1973 October Salon and the October Award from the town of Lescovac in 1972.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1932 in Stobrech near Split. Since 1956 he has been working as a stage and costume designer at the National Theatre in Nish. He participated in the PQ in 1975.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1944 in Subotica; he is an architect. He studied at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, under M. Bajlon and N. Dobrovic. During the 1966-67 season he was assistant stage designer at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade. In 1967 he became the chief theatre technician at the People's Theatre at Subotica, where he also undertook his first stage designs in 1967. Since 1972 he has been working exclusively as a stage designer for this theatre. Up to date he has designed and realised stage sets for 49 productions.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1943 in Žiri. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where he specialized in book illustration, under prof. Szancer. At present he specializes in designing posters, book illustrations and stage design. He has exhibited in Yugoslavia, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. He received several awards for illustrations of children's books and poetry and a prize for the design of the stage sets and puppets for the puppet play The Golden Bird.
Obrázky z kataloguAdditional information: Born in 1939 in Belgrade. He studied architecture at the Belgrade Technical Faculty and graduated in 1964. In that same year he founded Studio Structure for Graphic, Architectual and Industrial Design. He collaborated with Dušan Makavejev on the film Innocence Unprotected in 1968 and with Želimir Žilnik on the film Early Works in 1969. Since 1966 he is the publisher and designer of Independent Editions. Since 1971 he has been collaborating with Jovan Čirilov, art director of the Belgrade International Theatre Festival /BITEF/ on designs for the Atelje 212 Theatre and a BITEF Theatre. It was in the Atelje 212, a Belgrade avant-garde theatre, that he realised his first stage design for The Brothers Karamazov, directed by Predrag Bajčetic. He has had five one-man shows and participated in 60 various group exhibitions, including the Venice Biennial in 1972, the Brno Biennial in 1974, the Ljubljana Biennial of Industrial Design in 1966, 1968, 1973,1975 and others. His work has been published in Modern Publicity 1973-1974 and 1974-1975 /Studio Vista, London/. He also received a prize at the Ljubljana Biennial of Industrial Design in 1975.
Obrázky z kataloguAdditional information: Born in 1936 in Konjarnik. In 1962 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, where he studied painting. He participated in a number of group exhibitions as a painter; he has held more then 20 one-man shows. Since 1965 he has been working as a stage designer at the theatre in Zaječar, where he has realised approximately 60 productions. He received prizes at four Joakim Vujic Festivals of the Serbian Theatre for his stage designs - in 1967, 1972, 1973 and 1975. He participated in the Triennial of Stage and Costume Designs in Novi Sad in 1975.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1916 in Subotica. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Since 1951 up to the present he is the stage designer of the Hungarian language National Theatre in Subotica. In 1972 he designed the stage sets for a production of the Dream of Engineer Rein by Bulgakov at the Theatre in Szeged. At the XIXth Festival of Vojvodina Theatres he received a prize for stage designs and the one for designing the stage sets for the Night of the Iguana by T. Williams at the XXIIIrd Festival of Vojvodina Theatres. In 1969 he received the October prize from the town of Subotica. Among his most important stage designs are The Tragedy of Man by I. Madách, Hamlet by f. Shakespeare, Blueberries by F.Deak, The Threepenny Opera by B. Brecht, Bank bán by J. Katona, The Night of the Iguana by T. Williams, Romulus the Great by F. Dürrenmatt and The Bastion by Gy. Hay.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1942 in Branjin Vrn. In 1966 she graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade, where she studied at the costume department, under prof. Pavle Vasić. She is a member of the ULUPUS group since 1970 and of the GROUP 72 since 1972. She has studied in Austria and Greece. She is a fashion and costume designer and also paints and designs tapestry; she collaborates with various theatres in costume design. She has exhibited her work at various expositions of fashion designs, in exhibitions of the GROUP 72 and at the IVth International Triennial of Stage and Costume Design in Novi Sad in 1975. She received a Prize from the May Salon in Belgrade in 1970, a Bronze Medal at the International Trade Fair in Subotica in 1969, the Joakim Vujic Award for costume designs at Kragujevac in 1973 and a Silver Medal at the International Trade Fair in Leskovac in 1973, 1974, and 1975.
Obrázky z kataloguAdditional information: Born in 1938 in Belgrade. He works as stage and costume designer with a number of Yugoslav theatres. In 1969 he received a Silver Medal and in 1972 a Bronze Medal at the Triennial of Stage and Costume Design in Novi Sad. He participated in the PQ in 1975, 1979 and in 1983.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1936 in Belgrade. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade and continued in his studies in France, Italy, Czechoslovakia and Poland. He works at the Small Theatre in Belgrade where as a stage and puppet designer he has collaborated in the production of many plays. He has also collaborated with almost all puppet theatres in Yugoslavia and as a stage and puppet designer has participated in many productions. He has also designed the sets and concept of many Yugoslav cultural celebration in 1971. Among his most successful designs are Sympathy and Antipathy by J.S. Popović, The Chase Caused by the Wolf by P. Mančev, The Little Tiger by H. Januševská /Zagreb/ and Charlie' s Fate in the Youth Theatre in Sarayevo. He has received various prizes both at home and abroad for various stage designs. He is also the author of many theatre posters for which he received Yugoslav and foreign awards. He has exhibited abroad several times, among others also at the Prague Quadrennial in 1975.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1920 in Tuzla. After graduation in Zagreb she worked as a designer for theatres, film and television, where she has designed costumes for more then 300 productions. In recent years she has also been active as a teacher. A characteristic trait of her work is total submissiveness to the concept of the production; her costumes aim at expressing the character of the persons in the play, not spectacular effects. Among her most important costume designs are those made for the following productions The Trojan Women by Sartre-Euripides, The Comedy of Errors by Shakespeare, Le Bourgeois gentilhomme by Moliére, Mother Courage and Her Children by Brecht, Aida and Don Carlos by Verdi, Boris Godunov by Mussorgski, Katerina Izmailova by Shostakovich, the Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovski, Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev, Abraxas by Egk. Among productions by Yugoslav authors, the following should be mentioned: Dundo Maroje by Držic, King Tvrdko by Jančić, The Devil in the Village by Lhotka and Intermezzo by Papandopulos.
Obrázky z kataloguExhibiting works
Additional information: Born in 1933 at Valjevo. In 1954 she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She is a permanent member of the National Theatre in Rjeka. As a guest she is at work for the theatres in Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Maribor, Osijek and at Novi Sad. She excells especially in costume designs for grand operas in accentuating the vacant space of the scene. The operas Prince Igor, Turandot were put on the stage at the Operatic Festival in Opatia in accordance with her costume designs. She was awarded the Prize of the Town of Rjeka for her costume designs, and the Prize of the lst Triennial of Stage and Costume Design at Novi Sad.
Additional information: Born in 1947 in Novi Sad. Sne graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She works as stage designer in the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad. In the years 1966, 1970, 1972 and 1974 she has had one-man shows in Novi Sad. She also participated in group exhibitions at the May Festival of Student Theatres in Zagreb in 1968, in the November Salon in Belgrade in 1969, in Diploma 70 - a student exposition of APU in Belgrade in 1970, in Subotica in 1972,ín the XIIIth and XIVth October Salon in Belgrade ín 1972 and 1973, at the Triennial of Stage and Costume Design in Novi Sad in 1972 and 1975 and at the IInd Gallery of Novi Sad in 1973. Her costume designes received a University Prize in 1969 and a Prize of the Academy of Applied Arts at the October Gallery in 1972. Among her most important costume designs are those for Macbeth, Norma, Kiss Me,Kate, Peter Pan, The Gipsy Baron, Othello, Madame Pompadour and others.
Exhibiting works
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