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1971 » France » Stage design and costumes

Curator:Yves Bonnat
Authors of Theme:Paul-Luis Mignon


Since 1967, the Prague Quadrennial 1967, no aesthetic or technical revolution has taken place in the French theatre. However these past four years manifest a strenghtening of the most progressive tendencies. Their pioneers were able to extend the field of their activity thanks to the understanding of producers and directors. The movement was later joined by new stage designers who have not trodden the traditional path. Finally we must not overlook the fact that the building of numerous theatre halls with an optical perspective solution preferred the development or application of a more conform conception to the reconstruction and content of theatre art of not long ago. The French exposition for the Prague Quadrennial had to be conceived so as to correspond with these realities. In order to respond fully we have divided it into three sections: architecture which has been represented in an extent in which its realizations or projects after 1967 corresponded with the general programme given by the Statut of the Prague Quadrennial 1971. The second group is formed by theatre enterprises which by their activities manifest a determinated orientation: the Maisons de la Culture, Centres Dramatiques Nationaux, subsidized ensembles and experimental theatres, i. e. decentralized enterprises which principially aim at the discovery of a new audience; in the third group are represented the main works executed in Paris, in the provinces as well as abroad during the past four years by four French stage designers most sought for by producers: André Acquart, Hubert Monloup, Jacques Noel and Michel Raffaelli. The choice for these three groups was rather liberal — each stage designer or theatre director was free to decide whether he considered himself suitable or unsuitable to be included into the proposed framework and to reserve or not his participation in the Prague Quadrennial 1971. Clarity which should be the result of dividing the exhibition into three groups, must, however, not be at the price of the homogeneity of the basic tendency. All we wish to show are relations which have manifested themselves in France between architects, producers and stage designers.

Exhibiting artists / ateliers

[show all | hide all]
  • Yannis Kokkos
  • Hubert Monloup
  • Jacques Noël
  • Michel Raffaelli
  • Jacques Rapp
  • André Acquart
  • Pierre Bobillot
  • Sonia Delaunay
  • Roland Deville
  • Dominique Dupuy
  • Claude Engelbach
  • Bernard Floriet
  • Étienne Hajdu
  • Yves Joulié
  • Piotr Kowalsky
  • Pierre Philippe
  • Georges Richar
  • Jesus-Raphael Soto
  • Roger Stoffel
  •   Beatrice Tanaka
  • Jo Tréhard
  • William Underdown
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