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2015 » Belgium » Section of Countries and Regions

Curator:Halkin Christian
Designer / Architect of exhibition:Geebelen Katrien
Institution:ATPS A.S.B.L. and STEPP V.Z.W.


Belgium presents a selection of creations that represent ‘the collective’ as the applied approach to creating spectacles. All works selected have surpassed all other Belgian creations that have emerged in different styles and disciplines over the past four years with their unique methods leading to new creations. While working as part of a collective is a movement that we’ve seen develop over the years, we can now clearly see a new movement rising. This method of creating is being used not only by young theatre companies, but also by existing, more established companies.

Belgian creators want to remove boundaries in order to inspire each other, to give ideas room to grow, to start from experience and rehearsal rather than to base their play on an existing text. This method of ‘collective’ creation extends the scope of possible experiments, like in a laboratory. Collective creation compels each participant to question everything, day by day, about every aspect of the creation.

So, rather than trying to exhibit ‘stage sets’ at any cost, we choose to show ‘spectacles’. These works are just some of the great results of this fascinating, inventive evolution: decidedly theatrical spectacles whose creators do not always label themselves with titles or functions. And although we therefore can’t speak of one stage designer for a certain play, the play is definitely being supported by strong, defining stage design, assuring us not only that this new, democratic (and thus political) approach is the right mixture of play, performance design and spatial design, where the outcome is a Gesamtkunstwerk, a total experience from which nothing can be removed.

Presented productions: La estupidez, Compagnie Transquinquennal, April 2012 Wonders, Compagnie Side-show, October 2013 Moi, Nuage, Théâtre de Galafronie, August 2014 Haïku, Théâtre du Papyrus, October 2012 Le signal du promeneu, Compagnie Raoul, October 2012 Duikvlucht, Studio Orka, 2012 Ghost, Abattoir Fermé, Mai 2013 Opera Buffa, Laika / Muziektheater, 2012 Perhaps all the dragons, 2014 in Berlin

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